Learn to dominate a pusher with these drills

Abi demonstrates 4 wall drills that will help you dominate opponents that play without a consistent pace or spin.

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About This Drill

The first drill that we’re going to do to help out with the problem of a pusher not giving you consistent pace and changing the spin which makes you change your game is you’re going to hand toss to yourself and let it bounce and also hand toss it out of the air because this gives you no pace on the ball.

This allows you to work on your racket head speed and you’re just gonna hit it against the wall. The ball will come back and you just repeat about 10 times.

About This Drill

The second drill is you’re going to slice to yourself against the wall and then hit flat. Like the first drill this is going to teach you when you have an off-pace ball or different spin to be really aggressive and it’s a great workout!

You’ve got to keep hitting out even when your opponent doesn’t have pace and gives different spins. so this will be the second progression for keeping that integrity and aggressive swing.

About This Drill

The third drill keeping the integrity and aggressive swing this is going to make it way more complicated so we’re going to slice to ourselves then rip the ball then stop the ball and hand toss to ourselves really high like it’s a lob you can either take it out of the air to work on that timing and that racket head speed or you can let it bounce.

You’re going to rip that ball back and you’re gonna start the drill all over again slice, rip, stop, toss high to hit out of the air and then rip, slice and keep going this is such a great workout and it’s such a great drill for change of pace.

About This Drill

For the fourth drill you need to cycle through the previous drill and be really aggressive and follow the last ball after you throw the high hand toss into the net (wall ). You will get a first volley right after that ball and don’t worry about hitting anything afterwards. You can keep cycling through that drill.

This drill is for the doubles players and for the aggressive singles players or if you’re just sick and tired of playing on the baseline and want to practice and challenge yourself on the first volley.

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Abigail Spears has enjoyed a successful career as a Professional Tennis Player while being featured on popular networks including…

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