Stop hitting short on your forehand with these quick fixes

Learn 4 quick fix drills that Abi recommends so you can stop hitting short in the court on your forehand and win more matches!

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About This Drill

Adjusting your grip can have a huge impact on the serve

We want the right grip, a continental grip. You want to make a V with your hand with the grip fitting in the middle of the V and the index finger extended. This grip allows you to do every serve. A flat serve, kick serve, slice serve. That is why this is the most effective service grip

About This Drill

Adjusting your grip can have a huge impact on the serve

We want the right grip, a continental grip. You want to make a V with your hand with the grip fitting in the middle of the V and the index finger extended. This grip allows you to do every serve. A flat serve, kick serve, slice serve. That is why this is the most effective service grip

About This Drill

Adjusting your grip can have a huge impact on the serve

We want the right grip, a continental grip. You want to make a V with your hand with the grip fitting in the middle of the V and the index finger extended. This grip allows you to do every serve. A flat serve, kick serve, slice serve. That is why this is the most effective service grip

About This Drill

Adjusting your grip can have a huge impact on the serve

We want the right grip, a continental grip. You want to make a V with your hand with the grip fitting in the middle of the V and the index finger extended. This grip allows you to do every serve. A flat serve, kick serve, slice serve. That is why this is the most effective service grip

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Abigail Spears has enjoyed a successful career as a Professional Tennis Player while being featured on popular networks including…

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